Spring Photo Classes 2014

March 20, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Spring Photo Classes

 Taught Through Fairfax County Parks and Rec

All classes are hands on and now that it is spring we will be outside a lot!


Digital Photography 1

Join our Photography 1 class where we go past using the 'automatic' settings. Classes our passed for the students who attend, we leave no one behind and teach to your interests as often as we can as covering the following topics include your camera's controls, resolution, flash, composition, stop motion, close ups and more. Course includes weekly assignments with reviews. Software and printing also will be covered. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.

Tuesdays 6 pm 
starts April 1, 2014 10 Weeks an hour and a half
Flint Hill Elementary School 

Register here

Wednesdays 10:00 am
starts April 6, 2014 10 weeks an hour and a half
Frying Pan Farm Park
Register here

Wednesdays 7:00 pm
starts April 2, 2014 10 weeks an hour and a half 

Frying Pan Farm Park
Register here

Digital Photography 1 for 8-12 year olds
Have a young one in your life who loves photos, takes your phone to photograph whenever they can. Did you get them a camera for a holiday gift or thinking about it. Photography skills are a gift for a life time, it is a key communication skill of this generation. This class will cover the basics of how the camera works and how to use a camera to take photos that will delight.

Saturdays 9:30 am
Starts March 29, 2014 10 weeks an hour and a half
Oakton Elementary School
Register here

Digital Photo II

Want to take your photography to the next level, learn what you want to learn, learn in a community of other passionate photographers, then take my Digital Photography 2.

Saturdays March 29, 2014 
11:00 am 10 weeks an hour and a half 
Oakton Elementary School
Register here

Tuesdays 7:30 pm
starts April 1, 2014 10 Weeks an hour and a half 

Flint Hill Elementary School 
Register here

Wednesday 12:00 am
starts April 2, 2014 10 weeks an hour and a half 
Frying Pan Farm Park 
Register here


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